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Many of our publications are now available online: Red = .pdf Green = .tif Black = not yet online.
ACHCEW and all English CHCs were Abolished by the Government on 1st December 2003
______________________________________________________________________Patients' Rights Factsheets Two Factsheets setting out patients’ rights in the NHS.
ACHCEW Annual Report (2002-2003)
ACHCEW Annual Report (2000-2001)
ACHCEW Directory of Community Health Councils (2003)
HEALTH PERSPECTIVES provide a concise analysis of significant health issues and their implications for patients.
HEALTH NEWS BRIEFINGS are research reports which provide an in-depth commentary on health policy or guides to assist CHCs in their activities.Access to Health Records – the Legal Requirements (March 1998) The briefing contains up-to-date advice on patients’ rights to access their health ecords and how CHCs can assist them in pursuing these rights.
Bibliography on CHCs (March 1998) The bibliography gives details of the statutory provisions and official guidance covering CHCs as well as various studies of CHCs since their creation. (Publications by individual CHCs are not listed.)
CHCs and Black and Ethnic Minorities (May 1998) This briefing reports the results of an ACHCEW survey, drawing on earlier work by the Greater London Association of CHCs (GLACHC).
CHCs and the New NHS (May 1998) ACHCEW’s response to the NHS White Papers, calling for stronger mechanisms to ensure that the needs and expectations of patients are heard.
CHCs Making a Difference (September 1997) This report draws on a survey of CHCs to demonstrate through a wealth of examples the difference they can make to the NHS and its patients.
Consultation: an Aide-Memoire for CHCs (March 1998) Prepared by CL Hunter for the West Yorkshire Association of CHCs, this guidance is intended for CHCs when preparing for a consultation.
Consultation - the Legal Requirements (January 1998) This guidance from ACHCEW’s Legal Officer is based upon CHCs experiences with consultation procedures during 1996-97.
"Fair Comment" - How the threat of defamation undermines the NHS Complaints System (July 2000)
Hospital Acquired Infection (September 1997) This briefing looks at the impact of hospital acquired infections on patients,hospitals and community health services, and suggests a number of questions that CHCs may wish to consider.Human Rights in the Health Service (January 1999) This briefing looks at the implications of the Human Rights Act 1998 for patients and CHCs.
Hungry in Hospital? (January 1997) This briefing looks at why some patients do not eat and drink enough when they are in hospital, based on the experience of CHCs and correspondence received from relatives of patients.
NHS Trusts Meeting in Public (August 1998) This briefing discusses the steps Trusts need to take to ensure that their meetings are accessible and welcoming to the public.
Nationwide Casualty Watch 2001(April 2001) The full results of the snapshot Nationwide Casualty Watch survey which took place on 26 March 2001.Data were collected on 3,983 patients in 187 A&E Departments by 152 Community Health Councils, Local Health Councils and Health and Social Services Councils.
Why are we waiting? Snapshot surveys of the impact of emergencypressures on patient care (February 2000) A joint report by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) and ACHCEW to present the findings of the Nationwide Casualty Watch 2000 survey and the parallel RCN survey of A&E nurses. It seeks to identify problems in the delivery of A&E services and develop solutions.
Recording and Video-taping of Patient Consultations – the Legal Position (June 1998) This briefing details the sorts of problems which may arise from the practices of taping and video-taping patients to help CHCs advise complainants and others of their legal rights.
Tax on Illness – A guide to NHS Charges (February 2002) A description of the legal basis of current NHS charges, an overview of their history, impact and cost, and recommendations for change.
The Data Protection Act 1998 Implications for Patients’ Rights – A briefing paper.
The Problem with Referrals Outlines CHC rights to refer matters to the Secretary of State for Health.
Use of Human Organs after Death (March 1999) An outline of the legal position on consent for the use of body organsfor transplantation, research and education.